- fully booked

Mittelstufe ✺ 26 April - 1 Mai 2024 ✺ La Viñuela, Spain

Frühling ist die Zeit der Entfaltung, des Neustarts und des Wiederkehrens von Licht und Energie. Es ist eine besondere Zeit um sich neu auszurichten und neue Kraft zu schöpfen.

Gemeinsam werden wir in diesen Tagen den neuen Schwung willkommen heißen, losgelöst von den alltäglichen Herausforderungen. Umgeben von der Wildnis unseres abgelegenen Berges lässt sich der Rhythmus der Natur besonders spüren.

Morgens starten wir mit Meditation und Pranayama, gefolgt von einer dynamischen Jivamukti Yogaklasse. In diesen Klassen werden wir Asana üben, chanten, in die yogische Philosophie eintauchen und bei guter Musik viel Spaß haben.

Am Nachmittag wird es etwas ruhiger. Asana-fokussierte Workshops, Chanting und Restorative Yoga wechseln sich ab.

Zwischen den Yogaklassen gibt es viel Zeit, die Du für Dich alleine oder aufgehoben in der Gruppe verbringen kannst.  Yoga bedeutet Einheit. Verbindung. Die Praxis hilft uns dabei, mit uns selbst und mit der Natur in Kontakt zu treten.


Philippa Heyden

Philippa Heyden (Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher)

Anfang 2015 absolvierte Philippa das Teacher Training in Radhanath Swamis magischem Govardhan Eco Village in Indien mit ihren Lehrern Sharon Gannon, David Life, Lady Ruth und Jules Febre unter ihrem Mentor Yogeswari.

Was sie am Jivamukti Yoga begeistert, ist die Kombination aus intensiver Asana-Praxis, Meditation, Gesang, verschiedenen Musikstilen, Pranayama, Bewusstheit und Wahrnehmung der direkten und indirekten Umwelt.

Mehr über Philippa

a typical day

07.30 tea, coffee, fruit

08.30 yoga & meditation 

10.30 breakfast

reading 〰️ journaling 〰️ going for walks 〰️ massage

15.00 lunch or snack

17.30 yoga

19.30 dinner

arrival day: check-in from 15.00,
afternoon snack, short yoga class,
19.30 dinner, 21.00 welcome circle 

departure day: no yoga class,
9.00 breakfast, check out until 10.00

retreat offerings
○ 5 nights at La Viñuela
○ 3 vegan meals per day
○ jivamukti yoga (mornings)
○ asana workshops or restorative (afternoons)
 satsangs (some evenings)
○ hike to the stupa
○ water, tea & coffee

not included
○ flight or train to/from Málaga
○ airport transfer to/from La Viñuela
○ massages, optional Workshops
○ travel cancellation insurance  (recommended)

1200€, group size 12

please visit our faqs 

Ceramics plant press workshop (optional)

3.5 hour session –  Price 75€ per person
by Danyela Totuma 

We love the meditating effect working with clay has! Just like in yoga there is no pressure, you can enjoy the process. If you have experience already or not – it is always nice to join the workshop. Maybe it is going to be a new inspiration you take home with you and find a ceramics course back home?!

During this workshop we will learn how to make slabs to later stamp leaves or flowers and make a piece with it. There will be foliage available but you can collect your own. 🌾

This workshop is suitable for everyone, as no prior experience is necessary. All materials are included, and you will be able to take your piece home.
If you want to explore your creativity and connect it with nature this is for you!


all yoga equipment is available at our retreat location, as well as towels & bed linen. we’ll let you know what’s good to bring, a few days before your retreat.

check- in is from 16:00, dinner at 19:30 // check- out on departure day until 10:00 after breakfast

arrival & departure: group pick ups & drop offs will be organised for arrival day from Málaga airport & Málaga city center. Vice versa for departure. costs: 30€/person/way

please take a look at our faqs or send us an email. Looking forward to hearing from you.

about the place

This is the cozy place you want to escape to for a week of withdrawal from the world. The venue is set in the mountains overlooking the beautiful La Viñuela lake. The sun here is also warming in the autumn and winter months. More

© Yoga Spirit Circle 2025